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Member Highlights


Dr. Motroni – 2022 Rising Star Alumna Award recipient UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine


Dr. Motroni is honored with the Rising Star Alumna Award for recognition of Pajaroellobacter abortibovis, the long-sought-after causative agent of bovine foothill abortion (a tick-borne disease that causes pregnancy loss affecting cattle in California, Nevada and Oregon - a vaccine is now available), and for national leadership in the diagnosis and prevention of infectious diseases of livestock.

Dr. Motroni is National Program Leader for Animal Health for the US Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS).

Dr. Motroni was selected as an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Executive Branch Fellow in the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) working in the Foreign Animal Disease Vaccines and Diagnostics Program and the International FMD Vaccine Trial.

Subsequently, she was appointed as a program manager in the DHS Agricultural Defense Branch responsible for foreign animal disease programs and policies.

Since 2017, she has been the USDA–ARS National Program Leader for Animal Health with responsibility for the National Animal Health Research Program at ARS, oversight as ARS Science Team Lead of the research transition plan for the Plum Island Animal Disease Center to the National Bio and Agrodefense Facility (NBAF) in Manhattan (KS), and the NBAF ARS Workforce Development Plan.

Congratulations Dr. Motroni!

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RAV3N CELEBRATES Biomedical Research Awareness Day (BRAD)


Happy Biomedical Research Awareness Day (BRAD)! Today the RAV3N network shares in honoring the animals involved in research and recognizing the critical role of animals in medical advances for both humans and animals. Thank you to all individuals who care for the animals, making research possible.


RAV3N/ABSA applied biosafety and biorisk gap assessment workshop


The RAV3N Biocontainment Laboratory Network recently partnered with ABSA International and Gryphon Scientific to hold an applied biosafety and biorisk gap assessment workshop. Global subject matter experts were tasked with identifying and describing topic areas where the lack of applicable data or experiential evidence is an obstacle to improving our understanding of biorisk management and biosafety practices.  Once potential gap areas were identified, the participants outlined and prioritized them into a list and suggested applied research that could be undertaken to address them. The report of the workshop findings will be published with the intention of providing expert recommendations to policy-makers and funding agencies for resource allocation to ensure that biorisk management practices, guidance, and regulations for containment laboratories are based on the best available science. This workshop was co-sponsored by USDA and US Department of State.


VIDO first non-U.S. organization invited to join RAV3N NETWORK


The University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) has been unanimously accepted as the first and only international organization in the Research Alliance for Veterinary Science and Biodefense BSL-3 Network (RAV3N), a partnership of 18 United States-based large biocontainment facilities focused on veterinary infectious diseases.

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NBAF UPDATE: Continuing a Legacy


By Katie Pawlosky, National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility Communications Director, November 2022

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One Health Podcast Infectious Science


The Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch is proud to introduce Infectious Science, a podcast about new and emerging diseases and the One Health research to understand and prevent their spread. Since the COVID pandemic, public interest in this topic has grown. That excites us, because we are researchers, educators and community members who believe public health can be improved through knowledge.

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UTMB One Health

The UTMB One Health Research and Training Program is a team of professionals involved in applying One Health approaches to mitigate complex health programs in multiple countries.